For many households, what’s referred to as the “guest bedroom” consists of an existing bed that was moved into the “spare” room after a new bed purchase, along with an old bureau or nightstand. There’s nothing wrong with repurposing furniture in this way, but to offer extra comfort for your guests, there are inexpensive...
Ceiling fans have been around since the 1880s, and among their advantages is reliability and longevity. So why would you want to replace the ones that came with your house or that you bought 15 years ago? There are several good reasons. First of all, if your ceiling fans have pull chains, you’re already...
Change is good — and we don’t mean the kind of upheaval we went through in 2020. We’re talking about the little tweaks and updates that help improve something about ourselves or our immediate environment. After spending nearly a year of your free time at home, you’re probably ready to give each room in...
Every room needs a light. But when you need a lighting fixture that can take center stage, turn to LightsOnline to find products that are ready for a commanding performance. You can illuminate any space in your home with their thoughtful collection of decorative and functional lighting fixtures. If you want to make your...
The end of winter is finally in sight, so it’s time to prepare for spring with a refresh of your home decor. Why not start with your lighting fixtures? Just like fashion, lighting trends change from season to season and year to year. They can be decorative, functional, exciting and more. When you choose...
When you walk into a low-lit restaurant, you may notice how the lighting is used to create an ambiance of intimacy. Contrast this with the bright, vibrant lights in a department store. Both are using a concept known as “color temperature.” Color temperatures sit on a spectrum that, in the simplest terms, can be...
While it is one of the most overlooked and under-appreciated products in the home, a dimmer can instantly transform the look of any room. For some homeowners, dimmers came with the house and they’ve yet to give much thought about whether they are maximizing their capabilities. Many others, however, are living in homes without...
Even before the recent popularity of best-selling author and Netflix star Marie Kondo and her KonMari method of tidying up, there has been a growing curiosity and desire among us “Westerners” in North America to adapt ancient Eastern philosophies to our modern, stress-filled lives that would bring about calm and contentment. As a result,...